Mark Cohran Photography
Creative Concepts Journal

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Friday, April 14, 2006

- Writing in a Journal

I do like to write. I take some small amount of pride in my ability to put together words to illustrate concepts, convey ideas and thoughts, and to make a coherent argument. I’m a fairly social person in that I enjoy the company of others and I like to talk and learn from people around me. As a youth, I exchanged letters with people from around the world. I had penpals in France, England, Australia and throughout the US. Indeed, I continued my letter exchanges throughout my military career. When I was deployed, I not only received letters from my family, but from my many friends around the world. But, as much as I like to write, I just can’t seem to get this blogging process to flow smoothly and easily.

As anyone can see, my entries are inconsistent. I don’t think my life is that boring, but perhaps I’m not willing to share those things in my life that are interesting. I enjoy sharing my photography, but I don’t shoot everyday. When I do shoot, sometimes I’m not prepared to share the subjects with the rest of the virtual world. So, my dilemma is whether to continue to maintain this journal (and intensify the efforts I’m putting into it) or to call it quits and to move on to something new and different.

In the meantime, I just got a new toy. It’s a 60 GB iPod. I previously had a 1st generation 20GB iPod, but my music library has grown too large to be entirely contained within 20GB. So, I decided to upgrade and add the ability to show both photos and videos on the device. It works great, and it also synchs with my iCal and Address Book programs. This is going to be very convenient on my trip to Hawaii later this month.

Posted by Mark @ 05:29 PM PST [Leave a comment]

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

- Winter Blues

IMG_9338 (93k image)It has been a long, wet winter so far. The Northwest is always cloudy and wet during the winter time, but this has absolutely been the wettest winter I've encountered in the nearly 10 years I've lived in Oregon. Storm system after storm system have been hitting the West Coast with only a scattering a clear weather between each system. I swear I can see each new system looming over the mountains of the Coastal Range to the west, yet when I look to the east I can see the remnents of the last system lingering in the Cascades.

At least it has been fairly warm though. Most mornings it's about 44 degrees, and during the day the temperature creeps up into the high 40's or low 50's. I guess that's not bad for the middle of winter north of the 45th parallel. I do wish it would clear up for a couple of days though. I'd love to get my camera out and shoot in some decent light. I have a couple of new L lenses I've been wanting to use, but the heavy overcast and continuous rain (plus the early sunsets) give little opportunity for interesting subjects.

The photo to the left was taken a couple of winters ago when it was drier and colder. These clouds were the remnent of a storm that dumped quite a bit of snow at moderate elevations. Above a thousand feet there was lots of snow, but at about five hundred feet and below, it was just rain - hence the lack of snow on the roof of the building.

It would be fun to get away to the coast for a weekend to shoot the stormy weather and the ocean waves. Newport Bay is always fun for that, but Florence is nice too (besides there are friends there). Life keeps intruding though and weekend plans never seem to work out. Maybe I'll get some good rain gear for my birthday next week and that will help me gather the nerve to challenge the elements. I'd love to shoot Ecola Point and Canon Beach in stormy weather.

I'd also like to find a couple of new models. I'd like the challenge of learning to shoot someone new. After working with a model for a while, you learn their best poses and which poses work best for what situations and settings for them. You develop a rapport with the model that allows the shoot to proceed with minimal verbal communication and the model learns to anticipate your requests and to move smoothly from one pose to another. Shooting a model in the rain is fun - shooting by yourself in the rain isn't so much fun.

Spring begins next month, so with any luck we'll get an early break from the rain. With all the winter precipitation, the mountain snowpack is heavy and that means wonderful waterfalls during the spring melt. Winter Falls at Silver Springs State Park should be great this year. So maybe I should stop complaining and start planning.

Posted by Mark @ 08:13 AM PST [Leave a comment]

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

- 2005 Photography in Review

So, the forum thread in Photography on the Net got me to thinking about how the year went photographically. Did I get any keepers? How many photos did I take compared to previous years? Did my technique improve, and did I expand my capabilities? Did I shoot anything of any real substance?

I undertook a review of my photography for the past year to answer those questions and I determined the following:

1. I had about two dozen or so photos that I considered worthy of publication. This is much, much less than in previous years. That relates primarily to the next item.
2. I took far fewer photos this year than I have in previous years. This is, I think, primarily due to the issues I discussed in my last entry. I would say that most years I take an average of two or three thousand photographs, sometimes even more. This year I doubt I took more than a thousand photos total. And, when my hearts in it, I get much better results than a couple of dozen shots.
3. In some ways, my techniques did improve considerably. I added some equipment that allowed me to have far more versatility with my studio lighting, and I’ve really improved my techniques with outdoor fill flash. I also shot quite a bit of film this year (which also contributed to the reduction in volume mentioned above), and I found that I have a much easier time compensating for adverse lighting conditions to get the exposure correct. Having said that, though, I didn’t practice and improve on some skills that I had intended to work on this year, such as macro photography and wildlife photography. I did try my hand at wildlife photography (specifically birding), but I discovered that my longest lens (300mm) isn’t quite sufficient to do a good job at it. So, fates willing, I’ll add a 100-400mm f4L zoom to my lens collection this year.
4. The last question is probably the most difficult to answer, but if I’m completely honest with myself, I would say, not really. I shot a few fairs and festivals. I documented a rafting trip with my family and friends. I did some portraits and some glamour shoots for a few clients, but I didn’t really shoot anything that “wows” me. In 2003 I shot an incredible sunset in Death Valley and in 2004 I got some terrific shots of a fire dancer and of the Oregon Coast. This year, I just couldn’t seem to pull any great shots out of my heart.

In 2006 I hope to do much better. First of all, I’m going to make a concerted effort to get out of the house on an early morning a couple of times a month. I’m already planning several photographic day trips to photograph in specific locations: The Columbia River Gorge (Eagle Creek, Punchbowl Falls, Rooster Rock, Shepherd’s Falls), Silver Falls State Park, McKenzie Bridge, Crater Lake National Park, Brandon Beach, Ecola Point, Haystack Rock, Seaside, Astoria, and Deschutes. I’m also planning a trip to Hawaii in the spring, so that should definitely help me to get the creative juices flowing.

I’m also hoping to work with a few new models this year. I have a project I’d like to start working on. I simply need s couple of sets of faery wings to get started. I have several models who are interested in working with me. So, I think, 2006 should be a much better year for me photographically. Wish me luck.

So let me share with you, some of my favorite photographs from 2005. There aren’t many, but there are the ones I like:

This coloful fellow was the jester at the 2005 Washington Renaissance and Fantasy Fair. He was a jolly fellow and kept the fair crowds well entertained. I got several shots of him throughout the weekend we were there, but I like this one best.

This gent was one of the knights at the Washington Renaissance and Fantasy Fair. He was one of the younger knights, out to prove himself, and he was an excellent rider. I liked this photos because I think it captured his determination to do well in the tourney.

This was, as I recall, the only female in the tourney this year. She was determined and fierce, and gave us a real show. I caught her as she galloped into a sword fighting exhibition. Unfortunately, I cut off I tiny bit of the horses nose. Still, this shot, I think captures a sense of motion and spirit.

This is Bonnie Stangelove, one of the Thryce Wycked Wenches, a singing troupe at the fair. Bonnie is a beautiful redhead with a wonderful voice and a most expressive face. The other two wenches are sweethearts too, but I really didn’t get any good photos of them this year. The Thryce Wycked Wenches sing bawdy songs of a dubious nature and are hilarious! If you ever get a chance to see them, don’t miss it.

This is a a musical troupe from the fair. They play authentic music from days gone by.

This is my favorite red-headed wench. I just love this shot of her for some reason. She’s a fine wench, with a big heart and a beautiful smile.

This is the sunset over the Deschutes River in Maupin, Oregon. We did a rafting trip there earlier this year, and as we were sitting around the camp on the last day of rafting, I shot this photograph. There’s another photo coming up later with a different view of the sunset, but I like the bridge and the river in this shot.

I don’t know why I like this shot so much. It’s just a candid taken on the first day of the Oregon Country Fair. The lady was in an animated conversation with a couple of gents, and she just looked so colorful and ready to have fun that I couldn’t help but aim my lens at her.

I don’t know what these are, but they were on display at the Oregon Country Fair and I thought they would make a good photograph. I think they did. What do you think?

This colorful young lady sat down beside me at the Oregon Country Fair while we were having some lunch. She was with a group of her friends and they were having a great time at the fair. She most graciously consented to posing for me, and I really love her smile and the colorful attire and makeup.

This is my friend, Tia, after she spent some time with Kathleen, the body painter, at the Oregon Country Fair. Tia’s a sweetheart, and a wonderful person. Doesn’t she have a lovely smile?

Candles at the fair. I just thought they made a wonderful set of repetitive elements for a photograph. The Oregon Country Fair is great for finding these little colorful scenes. The OCF was probably my biggest photographic event this year. The first day of the fair was pretty wet and rainy, though, which sort of cut down on the volume of photos I was able to take as well as the number of attendees.

Matching sets - more body painting at the fair. This couple actually asked me to take their photo because they had seen some previous photos of mine. They bought a couple of photos from me as well.

My favorite redhead with her own body painting in place. If you look closely, you can tell that that’s a Chinese dragon painted across her chest, and it's breathing flames onto her shoulder. She was quite proud of that painting and didn’t wash it off until she absolutely had to do so.

This lovely lady posed for me at the Shrewsbury Ren Fair. It’s a nice portrait that’s full of color. I guess what I like about this photo is that half smile and the lovely dimple in her cheek.

This is Gabby. She’s a real sweetie. Although she’s not related, she’s like a niece to me. She has a wonderful smile, but like any teenager, can be a real pill to her parents. I always have fun with her though.

This is Gabby’s mom, Bridgett. She’s a very close friend and a real sweetheart in her own right. She’s my IM buddy and keeps me company on the days when I work from home. She and her husband are among our closest and dearest friends, and I’m hoping to get to do a photoshoot with her in 2006. I’ve worked a deal out with her husband--I’ll loan him my redhead for a shoot, if he’ll loan me his. It should be fun.

These are the cliffs along the White River near Maupin, Oregon. This is near the confluence of the Deschutes River and the White River. If you walk up the White River a ways, you’ll find a natural water slide. I shot a lot of photos there too, but this is a better shot.

A natural light portrait in a pub in St. Helens, Oregon; a river port along the Columbia River, north and west of Portland. I just love the subtle play of light on her face and on her hair.

This is my niece, Sasha. I traveled home to Georgia in June of this past year, and I spent a day or so shooting her. She a sweet girl, but rather shy and rather spoiled. I’m afraid I spoiled her even more. That’s okay, though, since I don’t see her very often. She has been raised by her grandparents by very strict rules (which has been very good for her). I gave her a bit of a break by taking her to my mom’s house for the weekend (and my mom’s anything but strict). We went to Stone Mountain for a day of photos and this was one of my favorites.

This is another shot of the sunset a Maupin, Oregon. It’s reminiscent of the sunset photos I took in Death Valley in 2003. I just really like this shot, even though it’s a bit cliched.

Posted by Mark @ 10:37 PM PST [Leave a comment]

Friday, December 2, 2005

- Shopping on the Internet

I buy quite a bit of my equipment via the internet. Sometimes it's the only way to get the desired item without an extensive wait. I try to buy local whenever I can, and I frequent Pro Photo Supply in NW Portland or Surburban Photo in Beaverton. But I also purchase items from B&H Photo & Video in NYC from time to time. They are a reputable store and I've never had any problems with them. If you're not careful, though, you can run into some real shady outfits online. For example, Thomas Hawk had a very bad experience that is making big news in the bloggin and online photography communitys. You can read more about it on his blog at: Thomas Hawk's Bait and Switch Story

Before you buy online, it's always good to check out Reseller Ratings.Com where you can do a search on the merchant from whom your considering purchasing to see what kind of feedback they have received.

Above all Caveat Emptor: if price is significantly below B&H's price for the same item, it's likely to be a bait and switch outfit.

Posted by Mark @ 09:51 AM PST [Leave a comment] [1517 comments]

Monday, August 22, 2005

- Out into Nature

sauvie2 (59k image)Went out to Sauvie's this weekend to meet with some friends. I took a camera along, mainly because I take a camera everywhere. I didn't have any intentions of doing any photography, even though Sauvie's is a public beach, because I understand and respect people's concerns about photography is such an area. I'm still glad I took a camera though, because once I got out on my friend's boat, I was able to photograph a lovely juxtaposition of a sailboat and a cargo ship. The bright pink sail and the mellow light on the cargo ship made for a colorful and interesting composition. I didn't have a very long lens with me, but if I had, I think I could have created a better shot - at least, I envisioned one in my mind.

Next weekend, I hope to be able to do some photography in a wide, shallow stream with a couple of different models. That should be fun.

Posted by Mark @ 07:30 AM PST [Leave a comment]

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

- Great Faire

Bonnie StrangewaysThe first weekend of the Washington Ren and Fantasy Fair was great fun. The weather was cool in the morning due to the marine layer, but the afternoons were sunny and dry (perfect ale drinking weather). There were lots of fair participants in costume, the wenches were beautiful, and the pirates were reasonably well behaved. The Washington Ren Faire is one of the friendliest fairs in the Northwest and the participants are into the fantasy and fun of the event, rather than the historical accuracy. It certainly makes for a fun weekend.

The Ale Houses are always a great place to gather at the faires. At the Washingon Ren Faire entertainment is scheduled in the Ale Houses throughout the day. My favorite group was the Thryce Wycked Wenches who sang songs of a "dubious" nature. The first photo in this entry is of Bonnie Strangeways - one of the wenches. These three ladies are absolutely hilarious. So, should you get to the last weekend of the faire (the 20th and 21st of August), get thee to Ale House #1 and listen to these ladies sing.

The next big fair I'll attend will be the Shrewsbury Fair in King's Valley. That's more of an SCA sanctioned event, so it will be more historically accurate and less inclined to the fantasy costumes you see in Gig Harbor. It will still be quite fun, as I really enjoy shooting all the costumes. Additionally some good friends will be there as well, and it's a lot of fun to hang around with them as well. Pickle Wench

There are a number of other fairs in the Northwest and next year the goal is to attend a couple of new fairs. It will be fun to attend at least one Pirate Revelry and perhaps another fantasy faire. Additionally, I might try to attend some of the county and state fairs as I haven't done that since I was quite young. In any event, I always have a great time photographing the people of these fairs.

Posted by Mark @ 09:03 PM PST [Leave a comment]

Friday, August 5, 2005

- Off to the Washington Ren Faire

I'm off to the Washington Ren Faire in Gig Harbor. It's a great place to photograph people. This is one of the best Ren Faires in the Northwest. A great many of the participants dress for the faire and that makes the event most enjoyable for everyone. I'll probably even dress up for one of the days of the fair.

This is opening weekend. I hope that means more people will be participating. I went last year, later in August, but it was a rainy weekend. I still got lots of wonderful photos though. Since this weekend is supposed to be sunny and in the mid-80's, I think the fair will have lots of revelers.

After the fair, I'll have a couple of new albums to post - the Oregon Country Fair, and the Washington Ren Faire. The next big event will be the Shrewsbury Faire in September.

Posted by Mark @ 10:54 AM PST [Leave a comment]

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

- Keeping Busy

ocf2005_gabby (12k image)I certainly haven't been keeping up with this journal, have I? I would plead business, but actually it's more that I haven't been terribly interested in writing lately. I'm not sure that anyone is actually reading this at the moment. I've shared the website address with friends and family, but alas no one visits.

No biggie, I'll keep writing and putting up photos. Who knows, perhaps someone will visit and want to leave a comment or chat sometime. I'm patient. I can wait. :)

Anyway, I have actually been busy since my last entry. I spent two weeks visiting my family and conducting genealogy research in Georgia. I've also been to a couple of fairs and festivals, as well as making several business trips for work. In fact, the photo you see in this entry is of a young lady on her first visit to the Oregon Country Fair. I'll be posting a gallery from the fair soon.

In any case, I'm going to work on making regular entries to the journal. If you stop by, I hope you'll take time to leave me a comment or two.

Posted by Mark @ 09:00 PM PST [Leave a comment]

Sunday, March 13, 2005

- Beautiful weather, not much photography

The weather has been beautiful of late, so much so that all the forecasters are concerned about the amount of water available in the reservoirs this summer and the possibility of an early and long wildfire season. Still, it's hard to complain when it's dry and warm in March.

The advantages are that the yards are already cleaned up from winter. The grass has been fertilized, and the sprinklers have been turned on and tested. And all the little items that fall into disrepair over the winter have been identified and fixed, or will be soon. There are only a couple of major outdoor chores to be done, and if the weather keeps up, they'll be completed by the end of March. That's exceptionally rare for this part of the country.

The good weather spurred me to break out the cameras and attempt some outdoor photography. I tried my hand at birding over on the PCC College Campus. I had only moderate luck. I was using a 300mm Image Stabilized lens and a 1.6 crop factor digital camera (which gave me a 500mm equivalent Field of View) and it still seemed like I couldn't get close enough to get a decent photo. There was one red-tailed hawk in the area that would wait until I was within 20 feet of the perch, then sail off to a new tree that was only a hundred yards away.

W and I did go to Sauvie Island yesterday to check out the wildlife preserve and the beaches. Although it was warm, it was also windy, which meant there were a lot of kite boarders playing on the Columbia River. So, I did get a few shots of them. I didn't get many shots of birds though, as they were mostly out on the waterways and unapproachable. I'll be looking through the photos later today to determine if any of the captures are worth posting. If so, I'll have them up this evening or tomorrow.

Posted by Mark @ 10:08 AM PST [Leave a comment]

Saturday, January 22, 2005

- Welcome to my Online Journal

Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy both the photography and the writing that you find here. I've been designing the site off and on since September of 2004 and I believe I now have it in its final form. I expect the site to grow and change with time, but I plan to keep the navigation and color scheme consistent as the site develops.

I've added this journal as a place for me to record my thoughts, propose some ideas for photographic projects, and as a place to record comments from friends, family and visitors. I will also be posting photos in this journal from time to time to solicit comments on specific shots.

Once again, thanks for visiting, and don't hesitate to leave me a note.

Posted by Mark @ 07:09 PM PST [Leave a comment]

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April 2006


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