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08/02/2005 Entry: "Keeping Busy"

ocf2005_gabby (12k image)I certainly haven't been keeping up with this journal, have I? I would plead business, but actually it's more that I haven't been terribly interested in writing lately. I'm not sure that anyone is actually reading this at the moment. I've shared the website address with friends and family, but alas no one visits.

No biggie, I'll keep writing and putting up photos. Who knows, perhaps someone will visit and want to leave a comment or chat sometime. I'm patient. I can wait. :)

Anyway, I have actually been busy since my last entry. I spent two weeks visiting my family and conducting genealogy research in Georgia. I've also been to a couple of fairs and festivals, as well as making several business trips for work. In fact, the photo you see in this entry is of a young lady on her first visit to the Oregon Country Fair. I'll be posting a gallery from the fair soon.

In any case, I'm going to work on making regular entries to the journal. If you stop by, I hope you'll take time to leave me a comment or two.

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