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08/05/2005 Entry: "Off to the Washington Ren Faire"

I'm off to the Washington Ren Faire in Gig Harbor. It's a great place to photograph people. This is one of the best Ren Faires in the Northwest. A great many of the participants dress for the faire and that makes the event most enjoyable for everyone. I'll probably even dress up for one of the days of the fair.

This is opening weekend. I hope that means more people will be participating. I went last year, later in August, but it was a rainy weekend. I still got lots of wonderful photos though. Since this weekend is supposed to be sunny and in the mid-80's, I think the fair will have lots of revelers.

After the fair, I'll have a couple of new albums to post - the Oregon Country Fair, and the Washington Ren Faire. The next big event will be the Shrewsbury Faire in September.

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