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08/22/2005 Entry: "Out into Nature"

sauvie2 (59k image)Went out to Sauvie's this weekend to meet with some friends. I took a camera along, mainly because I take a camera everywhere. I didn't have any intentions of doing any photography, even though Sauvie's is a public beach, because I understand and respect people's concerns about photography is such an area. I'm still glad I took a camera though, because once I got out on my friend's boat, I was able to photograph a lovely juxtaposition of a sailboat and a cargo ship. The bright pink sail and the mellow light on the cargo ship made for a colorful and interesting composition. I didn't have a very long lens with me, but if I had, I think I could have created a better shot - at least, I envisioned one in my mind.

Next weekend, I hope to be able to do some photography in a wide, shallow stream with a couple of different models. That should be fun.

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